Deed Community Giving Foundation

A simple, flexible and tax-advantageous way to give to your favorite charities.

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What is a donor-advised fund?

A donor-advised fund is a charitable giving vehicle administered by a public charity created to manage charitable donations on behalf of organizations, families, or individuals.

How does a donor-advised fund work?

A DAF manages giving on behalf of individuals and other organizations. It provides charitable donations to eligible nonprofits guided by the requests of the individuals and other organizations that have provided funding to the DAF. Once assets are donated to a donor-advised fund, the DAF has legal control over them, per IRS regulations, but is guided by donor requests and its own policies in making distributions to eligible charities.

Benefits of a donor-advised fund

IIn addition to providing financial support to charities, donor-advised funds can provide donation-relation tax benefits for eligible donors, as well as potentially reducing capital gains taxes and estate taxes for some individuals and entities. So let’s start giving with your heart and your brain.